初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19534819_650965418444519_4242671821448544256_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436311_318432218581001_4790548329446506496_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19429349_1936974653258470_8607412042288070656_n.jpg
Edirne Renkleri初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19379595_391809864553603_7954492840527003648_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424734_449698262090128_9120539052225855488_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436493_240730276427948_4215009079556308992_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19379705_117570842185169_7870496405637300224_n.jpg
Edirne Renkleri初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424766_288123991593341_4133111706853310464_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425365_1720065278021960_5169335153276747776_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 25th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19429284_231448834031325_1674885040388964352_n.jpg