初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19534324_234044877110312_7509633330736791552_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425086_390678351333592_615377850404438016_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19428711_650928165117801_2742512471636967424_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436455_1926551717588855_5520554398805131264_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425093_649025061961966_5259084233002975232_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425222_1732452230385311_7897472219050147840_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19227929_287120408363257_756000551463813120_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19429541_1514833215270739_5400911071093456896_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19367284_1872546322996595_6034265434100858880_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425400_678466189014874_3870513437826088960_n.jpg