初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424831_301801243616657_8433356508342779904_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19533793_126507464610056_7134271283763609600_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19428602_230422360801145_1674737031520976896_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424689_317357752050014_1892074269463019520_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436528_1796921137285576_7392640040796422144_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436552_1735171306782885_5156762199158423552_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19436406_1558308184244597_5136960011922046976_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19428738_448459535525270_5816436254899699712_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424861_1396964307053126_3715716150689005568_n.jpg
初到土耳其边境城市需要做的三件事1 看Selimiye清真寺2 参观古代医学院3 参观市中心和犹太庙#threethingstodo in Edirne Turkey:1 Visit Selimiye Camii2 Visit ancient medical school3 Visit city center KaraAgac and see thr synagogue.#arofia2 #baktan Posted by 百国长-短篇精粹 on June 26th, 2017 Filed under: Ifttt, Instagram, Postachio, Baktovia from https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19424749_325542761203753_1517122078333992960_n.jpg